Who doesn't love a deal? Or a steal. How ever you want to look at it. Well, the next time you are in Target walk on over to the snack bar. And I don't mean Starbucks. Or Takeyourbucks. No, I like Starbucks. But, anyway. Go up to the snack counter and get a Popcorn Combo. It is 16oz. drink and a small popcorn for a buck. $1.00. Add tax and it is still only $1.07. You can't go wrong.Then if that is not all, when you are done eating your tasty delicious perfectly salted popcorn while shopping your lovely local Target (I love that store). You just go help your self to a free refill. Yup. All for a $1.00. Then when you check out and spend more than what you came in to because you know that always happens when you go to Target. You can't pass up their little red clearance tags. Ha. I know I am not the only one. You can say but, hey I got popcorn and a drink for a buck. And a free refill or two. A small popcorn alone is $.99. So why not make it a combo.