Brenda Vs. The Bull

On Sunday, March 4, we went to Spring Fling at Strake Jesuit High School. My sister in law Linda works there. We had a great day! The weather was good. There was a ton of great food to eat. Still thinking about those yummy egg rolls. They had a ton of stuff to see and do. It reminded me of the church bazzars we attended as kids, my sister and me. Anyway. Then there was the bull. My niece Maddie saw it first. She was going to ride it. Then decided not to. Then I looked over at the bull and without a thought as to how ridiculous I would look doing it, I looked at Maddie and said come on I'll ride it. And I did. Secretly, I have wanted to try it ever since I saw Urban Cowboy. Riding a bull. A mechanical one. Don't get me near a real one. I am not that crazy. Well, as promised here are the pics. Because you are my friends I am letting you watch. Or should I say, I am giving you permission to laugh at me. Not to mention Linda has probably posted these all over the place already! LOL. So, go ahead get a good laugh. I did. And if you ever get the chance to...ride one! It is fu-un!!

P.S. Maddie got on the bull right after me. I will post those pics, too. I am so proud of her. She did great. Better than me! I will also post the pics of Alex and Preston jousting. Yes, I said jousting. That was the best. I wish I had been wearing a
Depends that day!! Good times!!!

One more thing. If you don't have it. Get it. The
Urban Cowboy Soundtrack. It rocks!!
