With So Many Things To Help Save Time...

Like drive thrus, microwaves, EZ Tag, pull apart cookies you can bake in 8-10 minutes, Netflix (movies delivered right to your home), blackberrys (email, internet, etc. at your fingertips), IMs, emails, salad in a bag, spray salad dressings, lunchables, self cleaning ovens, drive thru car wash places, online shopping, online banking, you can even renew library books online, spray tans in a can, breath strips (You don't even have to suck or chew anymore. It just dissolves on its own.) Tivo (record and watch later, skipping the commercials), self check-outs at most grocery stores, and I just heard of dry shampoo spray (just spray and comb out). With all this and more. Why is it that we still don't have enough time?!?!
