This month: Think Pink!

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month! I know a lot of people who have been affected by this disease. My family included. As I type, I know a dear friend who is going through chemo. treatments. So, this month and every month please do what you can to be aware of ways you can help in the fight. And tell the women in your lives to please do what they can to take care of themselves if it be through self-exams or by getting a mammogram. You. If you are ready this. Are you doing self exams? Have you had a mammogram? I had my first one done last year.

Here is a shirt that Ellen DeGeneres is selling through her website. Her mother is a Breast Cancer Survivor. All profits go to "Ellen for the Cure" campaign, benefiting Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

Remember, especially this month to Think Pink!
