And Now A Matthew Moment

Yes, my life as of lately is full of Matthew moments. He is almost two is why I guess. I just pick the funniest of Matthew moments to share. Or the ones I don't have to stop and clean up. That brings us to yesterday. I don't know where I was when this happened but, I was dusting the living room when I found this little gem. My vase of flowers. I like to keep fresh flowers around when I can. Last week H.E.B. had a dozen roses on sale for $7.99. So I bought myself some. Love the splash of color they provide the room. Anyway, as I am dusting in that room I found that Mr. Matthew had decided to rearrange them for me. Ha. Why I love it is because you can almost picture him picking out a flower to smell and then putting it back. But his way. Probably thinking she will never know. What am I going to do with him!


cokermama said…
That is the best. And you captured it on film! I'm going to call you "Brenda-razzi". You probably had your camera hanging around your neck while you were dusting.